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  • Writer's pictureRepresentative Brandi Bradley

Representative Brandi Bradley's Capitol Connection

Colorado 2024 Legislative Session with Representative Brandi Bradley

Dear Constituents of House District 39,

As we approach the final days of the 2024 legislative session, I want to express my gratitude for your unwavering support. These past few weeks have been filled with long hours and countless battles to do what's best for our state.

To give you an idea of what this session has looked like, a total of 655 bills were introduced, with 450 coming from the House and 205 from the Senate. This year, we have 77 MORE bills introduced than in 2023. With Republicans in the minority, it's crucial to understand the significance of this legislation being pushed through. The democrat legislators are coming for your 2A, against your parental rights and local control, always finding ways to increase cost, and the aggressiveness they are coming to erase biological women in support of criminals is alarming.

With just 11 days left and more than 300 bills still pending, the path ahead is expected to be difficult. However, you can trust the remaining Republican legislators to persist and make decisions that are beneficial for Colorado. Let's also hope that some of the unfavorable bills fail to pass due to the limited time available!

🚨 A Call to Action: Your Prayers Needed

In this critical time, my call to action is to ask for your prayers. Pray for our strength and fortitude as we face bills that threaten the well-being of our state. Pray for discernment as we navigate amendments to mitigate the harm of bad legislation. And pray for favor as we seek to win over the hearts of those who oppose us. Your prayers are a source of encouragement and support as we continue this fight.

Colorado State House Representative Brandi Bradley

🎉 Rep. Bradley's Legislative Celebrations

Representative Brandi Bradley HB24-1247 Digital Education Materials

HB24-1247 Digital Education Materials 

This bill passed committee and appropriations. We had scheduling issues on this one, as the Democrats love to mess with important bills like pornography in schools, so thank you to those who showed up twice to give public comment. This bill now moves to the House floor for second and third readings and then on to the Senate!

HB24-1430 Long Bill Amendment for School Safety Funding

Despite the obstructive efforts of Rep Epps and other Democrats in the Senate who voted against allocating $2 million from our budget to enhance school safety, the Joint Budget Committee recognized the importance of this amendment and approved it. It's disheartening to see what we're up against, especially when a mere $103 per school was initially deemed sufficient for safety measures. We must prioritize our children's safety above all else. Thank you, Rep. English, for your support in this effort, and thank you to the Joint Budget Committee for your correct decision on this matter.

Representative Brandi Bradley HB24-1327 Physical Therapist Bill

House Bill 1327, the Sunset Physical Therapist Bill

The House has passed HB24-1327 on its third reading, and now it is headed to the Senate for further consideration. As a Physical Therapist myself, I am thrilled to be part of this bill, which aims to protect the brand of physical therapists and give them the authority to order X-rays and MRIs. This is one of my favorite bills, and I am proud to be a part of it!

Rep. Bradley's Capitol Highlights

Rep. Bradley's 2024 Legislative Fight

Gun Ownership Saves Lives: Our fight for gun rights continues as we emphasize the importance of self-defense and protection, particularly for vulnerable groups. Gun ownership saves lives and many of the bills put forth by my Democrat peers will disproportionally hurt single, poor, and elderly women because limiting guns eliminates the greatest equalizer we have. Three million crimes have been prevented by guns yet the Democrats want to give hugs to remedy Gun VIOLENCE - I’ll give you hugs AND protect you with my firearm. I will always fight for our 2A.

Fighting for Your Second Amendment Rights: Despite our efforts, the Assault Weapons Ban HB24-1292 passed the House with a vote of 35-27-3. The Communist Reps celebrated this blatant disregard for our 2A rights. We must vote these communist out and win more seats in the House.

Advocating for the Preborn: I spoke at the March For Life at the Capitol earlier this month. We have the most radical and extreme abortion laws in the country - it is appalling. We are a pro-murder state -I refuse to be quiet on this issue. We will continue to stand for God and for the unborn and will make our voices loud and clear that EVERYONE deserves a chance at life! Watch my speech here

Defending Local Control - HB24-1313 -This move to mandate high-density, transient communities usurps local control and will significantly impact DougCO. This isn't responsible governance, and we shouldn't undermine local autonomy. Setting density goals should be a local decision; a one-size-fits-all approach isn't suitable. Let's empower local governments to find reasonable solutions tailored to their communities instead of imposing mandates on us

If you haven't already, I urge you to follow me on social media to stay informed about the critical issues we're facing and join the conversation as needed! The gaslighting tactics employed by some of my peers across the aisle on Twitter/X are concerning, but I will continue to be a steadfast voice for what is right speaking truth to the darkness, regardless of the challenges and smears we encounter.

Thank you for your continued support as the 2024 Legislation Session comes to an end. Your prayers ushering us to the finish line on May 8th are needed. Let's continue to fight for our shared values and a brighter future for all of Colorado

In Liberty,

Colorado State House Representative Brandi Bradley

Brandi Bradley

Your Representative for Colorado House District 39

Message from Team Bradley: Birthday Wishes and Support

Earlier this month, on April 2nd, we celebrated Representative Brandi Bradley's birthday! Join us in wishing her a happy birthday, and consider making a donation to support Rep. Bradley's 2024 Legislative Fight and her efforts as she embarks on another election cycle




Representative Brandi Bradley's Bi-monthly Newsletter, your Capitol Connection!

Good Morning House District 39,

Welcome back to another edition of The Bradley Bulletin, your source for the latest updates on legislative matters impacting Colorado. As your representative, I am committed to keeping you informed and engaged in local government. Let's dive into the important developments since our last newsletter:

🚨Call to Action Thursday, April 4th:

HB24-1247 Protecting Our Children from Harmful Digital Content.

This Thursday, April 4th, at 1:30 PM, we have a vital opportunity to protect our children from exposure to inappropriate digital content on their school devices with HB24-1247. Commercial school vendors claim their K-12 databases are educational, yet they contain embedded sex ads, pornographic material, and other vices. This legislation will protect kids from harmful content by empowering school districts to tell the vendor—if you allow ads, we will not have you as a vendor.

Our children must never be a target market for the adult entertainment industry. Join me in the Education Committee supporting HB24-1247 by providing testimony and advocating for the removal of harmful ads from school devices. Now is not the time to sit this one out. Your involvement is crucial, and together, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our children.

Consider sharing on all social media platforms  

Representative Bradley with Assembly team Erin Lee and Matthew Dark

🎉 Celebrating Victories:

Assembly was a resounding success, with a vote of 96-10. I am incredibly grateful for the overwhelming support from the delegates as I continue to represent HD39 and uphold conservative values in the Capitol. I couldn’t have asked for a better team to introduce me—Matthew Dark and Erin Lee are huge advocates fighting for our kids. Thank you to my family and friends for your unwavering support. Let's win in November!

HB24-1123 passes committee Funding for school safety fire arm detection

School Safety Bill HB24-1123, which aims to enhance school safety by utilizing AI for firearm detection, cleared its first hurdle by passing through the Education Committee (9-1).

Thank you to everyone who supported this vital initiative by making public comments and sending emails. We win when we work together, so thank you for your help! Stay tuned for updates on how you can further support HB24-1123 in its next phase.

Colorado State House Representative Brandi Bradley

Legislative Spotlight:

Bradley's Amendments to The Long Bill

  • Democrats voted AGAINST $2 million for School Safety

I proposed an Amendment to the Long Bill (the budget) to allocate 2 million dollars for school safety in Colorado. Communist Representative Epps led an effort to convince 32 Democratic representatives to vote against this amendment. It's incredibly disappointing that even some educators voted against keeping schools safe.

As of now, the 1,927 schools in Colorado can expect just $200,000 allocated to school safety. This comes to just $103 for each school! Watch my comments about it here

  • Taxpayer Money for Education should not go to the Teachers Union

I proposed an amendment that the CO Department of Education had to put a footnote clearly written that NOT a penny of taxpayer money would be spent on teachers' unions; all funds have to be spent on students and schools. Democrats voted AGAINST this amendment.

  • Firearm Training for Women

Since the House just passed a bill for mandatory annual firearm training for concealed carry, I advocated for allocating $75,000 of our budget for firearm training for women, particularly in underserved areas like Denver and Aurora, where crime is the worst. Colorado is 6th worst in the USA for rape - women who are victims of crime to keep their concealed carry license will now have to take off work and pay $250 to stay safe. UNFORTUNATELY, the Democrats did not think we should help their underserved constituents protect themselves.

As you can tell from those amendments, reason, and logic elude our communist representatives. Yesterday, I presented three crucial amendments to SB24-068, the physician-assisted suicide bill, and not a single one was accepted. The lack of accountability and documentation is alarming, especially considering that nurses can now make decisions that could end lives as they see fit. Additionally, the Democrats voted to continue "I Matter" indefinitely, allowing children to receive counseling in schools without parental involvement, despite numerous testimonies highlighting the dangers of counselors transitioning kids.

In Closing: It's Time to Get Involved

Sometimes I wonder when is enough enough? I am not sure people understand the depravity we see argued at the Capitol day in and day out, issues that DO and WILL affect your family. That's why it is necessary and very valuable in this fight to give testimonies or email legislators when asked for your help and involvement on our bills. You see, our founders created our republic to be for the people BY the people. So, I urge you earnestly to share these newsletters and engage with our efforts on Social Media, but above all, please get involved with our Calls to Action.

I hope to see you virtually or in person on Thursday, April 4th, for HB24-1247 or another time supporting our fight against the DEMOCRATS; it's time to direct our efforts at the real enemy, ideologies that go against our values, not each other.

Thank you so much for your unwavering support. Together, let's continue to fight for a brighter future for all.

In Liberty,

Colorado State House Representative Brandi Bradley

Brandi Bradley

Your Representative for Colorado House District 39


🎂 Message from Team Bradley: Birthday Wishes and Support

On April 2nd, we celebrate Representative Brandi Bradley's birthday! Join us in wishing her a happy birthday, and consider making a donation to support her efforts as she embarks on another election cycle.

Your continued support is invaluable in advancing our shared goals and values.



  • Writer's pictureRepresentative Brandi Bradley

Representative Brandi Bradley's Bi-weekly Newsletter, your Capitol Connection!

Dear District 39 Residents,

Let me bring you up-to-date on recent events and the ongoing legislative challenges that demand our attention. As we approach March 21st, I am in need of your support for crucial bills addressing school safety, the allocation of school union dues to prevent political misuse, and my initiative aimed at tackling harmful digital content within educational materials in public schools!

Before diving into these important details, let me share some highlights from the past week:

Rep. Bradley talking with Chloe Cole, an American activist advocating against gender-affirming care for minors

Meeting Chloe Cole: A Conversation Against Gender-Affirming Care for Minors

Since our last communication, I have had the privilege of meeting Chloe Cole, an American activist advocating against gender-affirming care for minors. Chloe, who has undergone her own detransition, shared her insights and experiences, shedding light on the complexities of this critical issue. The conversation with Chloe underscored the importance of careful consideration and balanced dialogue as we navigate policies impacting the well-being of our youth.

Fighting Against HB24 1071: Prioritizing Victims Over Criminals

I've taken a strong stand against HB24 1071, a proposal allowing individuals who committed felonies to change their names according to their sexual identity in the name of dignity. It is unacceptable to prioritize the dignity of criminals over the victims of their crimes.

HB24-1039: Non-legal Name Changes of Minors

Another concerning bill, HB24-1039, is making its way through the Capitol. This proposal allows minors to change their names without legal documentation, keeping such decisions secret from their parents. It's a ludicrous notion that, under the guise of protection, the state house would endorse such secrecy. It is crucial to stand up against legislation that threatens the rights of parents and the well-being of our children.

Colorado State House Representative Brandi Bradley

Bradley’s Capitol Connection: Legislative Spotlight

Rep. Bradley presenting HB24-1092
Rep. Bradley presenting HB24-1092

I'm thrilled to share the exciting news that my bill, HB24-1254, Sunset Regulation of Nontransplant Tissue Banks, has successfully passed through committee with unanimous support!

Get Involved: March 21st - Education Committee

Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 21st, as three of my bills will be discussed in the Education Committee:

A heartfelt thank you to the mama bears who shared their testimony on February 28th. Your support means the world to me. I'm thrilled about the progress of my school safety bill, HB24-1123, which harnesses AI technology for firearm detection to ensure the safety of our children. A recent article in Colorado Politics highlighted the significance of this initiative.

After presenting it to the education committee, we decided to delay the vote to incorporate an amendment that would further strengthen the bill. I urge you to contact members of the education committee, stressing the importance of a yes vote for the enhanced safety of our schools. Together, let's make a lasting impact!

In my latest bill, HB24-1298, we're focused on accountability and transparency in labor unions for school employees. This legislation restricts the use of union member dues, ensuring they cannot be directly utilized to support the election or reelection of public officers or endorse local or state ballot measures opposed by union members. It's about protecting the rights and interests of our school employees.

In my personal bill, HB24-1247, we're taking a stand to ensure the integrity of digital education materials in public schools. The bill requires contracts with vendors to include termination clauses for three instances of harmful content. It empowers parents, students, and school staff to report such material, ensuring swift removal within three business days. The legislation also mandates annual disclosure of contracts with public libraries and notifies interested parties of reporting procedures, emphasizing our commitment to protecting students.

Your engagement and testimony on March 21st will greatly contribute to the success of these 3 crucial initiatives. You can testify in person or virtually.

The Bradley Bulletin: Legislative Report and Caucus

Douglas County GOP Caucus

Don’t forget - GOP Caucus this Thursday.

Calling all Douglas County Republicans: Join the fight to save our state.

Become a delegate!

Our team will be at the following locations- I hope to see you there!

Acres Green Elementary

Buffalo Ridge Elementary

Castle Rock Middle School

Chaparral High School

Eagle Ridge Elementary

Flagstone Elementary

Highlands Ranch High School

Larkspur Elementary

Ponderosa High School

Roxborough Primary

Sedalia Elementary

Thunder Ridge High School

Find out more at

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our shared values. Contact me if you plan on visiting the Capitol to give testimony on March 21st. I am here to help and am thankful for your participation!

Best regards,

Colorado State House Representative Brandi Bradley

Brandi Bradley

Your Representative for Colorado House District 39





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